We are the people of St. William Roman Catholic Church, a diverse and welcoming community in Southeast Kentucky. Our purpose: nourishing the spiritual growth through worshiping and walking with Christ, gratefully caring for God's creation and responding to our community needs, sharing in proclaiming and affirming the healing love of Christ, and moving us toward a deeper communion with God.
Parish Pastoral Council: Third Wednesday at 6:45 pm
Parish Council Chairperson- Deanna Herrmann
Joint Finance Committee: Third Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Finance Chairperson - Bill Bormann
Property Committee: First Thursday
Property Chairperson -
Christian Service Committee: First Tuesday at 6:00 pm
Christian Service Chairperson - Vickie Nicholson
Formation Committee:
Formation Chairperson - Kimberly Stewart
Liturgy Committee:
Liturgy Chairperson - Deacon Kevin Black
Floral Environments - Ashley Ewing
Facebook- Deacon Kevin Black
Church sound system- Charlotte Davis
Website- (interim) Deacon Kevin Black
Outreach Chairpersons - Vickie Nicholson/Judy Rittenhouse
If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or a special occasion; please email the church office at [email protected] so that we can make an announcement in the bulletin.
521 West Fifth Street, London, KY 40741
Parish Phone: (606) 864-7500 Parish Fax:
(606) 864-8263
Office Hours: Monday thru Wednesday 9:00 am-2:00 pm.
Thursday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Office is closed on Fridays.
St. William Parish Email: [email protected]
Diocesan Website: http://www.cdlex.org
OUR PATRON SAINT: Saint William, Archbishop of Bourges
Feast Day: January 10th
What do you know about our St. William de Bourges? Also known as St. William the confessor and St. William of Donjeon.
On June 10, 1209, he was kneeling at midnight prayers. He made the sign of the cross, said two words, and died. St. William was educated under his maternal uncle, Peter the Hermit. At an early age, he avoided the vanities of the world and acquired a great love of learning. He later abandoned the world completely and entered the religious order of Grandmont, which practiced severe austerity. As a monk, St. William exercised piety with ardor. He wore the same habit year round, never adding a coat in winter. Later he joined the newly formed Cistercian Order because it was more austere. He also began to wear a hair shirt and stopped eating meat. St. William had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. He loved spending hours at the foot of the altar on his knees. In 1200 he was appointed Archbishop. The news overwhelmed him with grief. Only a stern command from Pope Innocent moved him to accept. St. William was involved with the ongoing construction of the Gothic Cathedral. By 1208, the choir was partially completed and he celebrated the Christmas liturgy. He died the next year at age 53. His will requested that he be buried in his hair shirt and his body laid in ashes. During his wake, a young boy, carried by his mother, touched his body and was cured of many infirmities. He ran excitedly around the church, praising God. St. William was credited with 18 miracles during his life and countless more after death. He was canonized on May 17, 1218 by Pope Honorius III and his major shrine is the Bourges Cathedral in France. His feast day is January 10th.